Latin Exploration 2009 had distinguished local and international speakers:
Jeffrey Nichols, American Precious Metals Advisors

Jeffrey Nichols has been recognized as one of the world’s top experts in the economics and finance of precious metals. He has been a keynote speaker at dozens of investment and industry conferences, corporate meetings, and private company events around the world. As managing director of American Precious Metals Advisors (APMA), he provides expert analysis of the economics of precious metals markets and offers strategic consulting and market research services to a wide range or corporate clients.
He has worked with mining companies on financing and investor relations, served as director of two public companies, managed a mining related mutual fund, and advised industry associations, national mints, central banks and jewelry manufacturers.
Dennis Thomas, Thomas Mining Projects Limited

Dennis Thomas is a mining engineer with 40 years’ experience in the mining industry. He conducted a number of projects throughout Africa, Asia and Europe in precious and base metals and industrial minerals. Since 1978, as Principal of TMP, he became a leading figure for international exploration, mining personnel recruitment and consultancy. Since the mid 1980s, he is involved in sourcing and evaluating of projects, especially in regions of Africa, South America, Asia, the Middle East and Russia. He served as CEO and director on the boards of international mining companies, covering developments in precious and base metals, coal, mineral sands, gemstones and ferrous metals.
John J. Ashburne, Black Horse Advisors

John J. Ashburne is the founder and lead principal of Black Horse Advisors. He has more than 25 years’ experience in mining finance and has raised more than $17 billion in capital for projects and companies in North and South America, Europe and Asia. His track record includes a “Top Ten Most Creative Deal of the Year” in Latin America project finance. Mr. Ashburne earned an MBA in Finance from the Tuck School at Dartmouth College and a B.S., Magna Cum Laude, from Northeastern University.
Eduardo Chaparro, CEPAL

Eduardo is a Geologist from National University of Colombia, and has studies in medium and small business, marketing of minerals, carbon quality, mine ventilation and international relations and environmental management. He is connected to the carbon, gold, emerald and construction industries of his country. With experience in Ecuador, Peru and Chile; he is the founder and an instructor of the Service of Mining Rescue of Colombia; and a College Teacher in Colombia, Ecuador and Chile.
Currently, he is an officer of the Economical Matters of the Natural Resources Division of CEPAL (United Nations Economical Commission for America Latina and the Caribbean), and has been responsible for the mining area for 8 years. He is based on Santiago. Performing his duties in CEPAL he has advised over 14 ministries of mines in the region and published documents considered fundamental for understanding the mining industry in Latin America.
Jorge Patricio Jones, Canadian Gold Hunter

Jorge Patricio Jones graduated as Geologist from the University of La Plata, Argentina; he has a Master's degree from the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa and a doctorate in Geology from La Plata. He also has a Postgraduate degree in Administration from Brazil. He dedicated his career to exploration, in several continents. He led teams that discovered the Sierra de Onca Mine, Sierra de Cacimba and 14 de Abril (tin) in Rondonia, with BHP Billiton; Bajo de la Alumbrera's feasibility and the discovery of Veladero. He participated in the negotiation of projects, also during financing and production. He has published works in specialized magazines and has given lectures in Argentina, Chile, Brazil and Canada; has taught courses in the Universidad Natal (Brazil), UBA (Argentina). He keeps a fluid relationship with the industry and the academic community.
Luiz Augusto Bizzi, MBAC Fertilizers

Luiz Augusto Bizzi is Ph.D graduated from the Dept. of Geological Sciences, University of Cape Town, RSA. He got his MBA degree from the Fundação Getulio Vargas - Economics School of Graduate Studies, and the BSc. (Hons.) from the Department of Geology, Universidade de Brasilia - UnB. He is a Certified International Investment Analyst, member of APIMEC and the Brazilian Stock Exchange. During 2006 -2008 he was the President of the Brazilian Association for Development of the Mining Industry – ADIMB.
At present time he is the Vice-president of exploration in MBAC Fertilizers. Some of his previous positions are BHP Billiton, Manager for Minerals Exploration and Business Development in South America and member of BHPB’s Minerals Exploration Executive Committee (MinExCo). B&A Consulting Services Snr Partner in charge of consulting contracts with (i) the Brazilian Development Bank – BNDES; (ii) Rio Tinto and (iii) Vaaldiam Resources (VAA/TSX).Brazilian Geological Survey, Director for Geology and Mineral Resources.
Esteban Buljevich, PECRB Abogados

Esteban Buljevich, admitted to practice law in Buenos Aires and New York, is an international business lawyer with almost two decades of experience in the fields of project and corporate finance, transnational business transactions, and international banking.
His global practice has involved transactions and clients located in many countries within Latin America, Asia, Europe, Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa.
Miguel Cardozo, ExploAndes

Exploration Geologist graduated at the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería in Lima and PhD degree from the University of Heidelberg in Germany. Dr. Cardozo has occupied multiple management positions at Newmont Mining Corporation, North Limited and Teck Corp. He has been a technical advisor of the Ministry of Energy and Mines of Peru and a Director of the Peruvian Geological Survey (INGEMMET). Currently he is President and CEO of Alturas Minerals Corp. He is the founder of ExploAndes, a prestigious consulting company in the field of geology and exploration services and also of ExploSupport, a company that provides logistic field support to exploration and mining projects. He is President of the Association of Explorers of Peru (AEPE) and of the Mining and Exploration Committee of the Canada Peru Commerce Chamber. He is also an active member of multiple local and international institutions related to geology and mining.
Isac Burstein, Hochschild Mining plc.

He studied in the National Engineering University of Peru, and he holds a Master in Geology from Missouri University and an MBA of the Krannert School of Management from Purdue University.
Isac joined the Hochschild Group in 1995, and has filled the positions of Exploration Geologist, Exploration Manager in Mexico and Corporate Manager of Business Development.Currently, he is Vice-president of Business Development for the Group.
José Joaquín Jara Donoso, Cochilco

José Joaquín Jara Donoso is mining engineer of the Universidad Católica de Chile and has a Magister degree in Mineral Economy of the same university. He has worked in studies related to the management of operations and the administration of inventories, also in the support of consultancy of the same matter. In addition, he worked as engineer of evaluation and development of projects, in the vice-presidency of pacification and Development of Minera Escondida Ltda. At the moment he is in charge of the Direction of Studies and Public Policies of the Chilean Copper Commission, where he develops studies of mineral markets and projects of investigation related to key supplies and public policies for the mining sector in Chile.
Guillermo Re Kühl, Alto Americas

Guillermo has a degree in Geological sciences from the University of Buenos Aires, and a master of science in Geological Sciences from Cornell University in New York.
Currently, he is president of Alto Americas, firm dedicated to the acquisition, processing and interpretation of hyperspectral data, developing cutting-edge technologies. He runs operational teams in various countries, and also works in the generation of projects worldwide, with special emphasis in South America, China and the Middle East.
In the past he was Project Development Manager, Latin America, for INCO Ltd and Exploration Coordinator, Latin America for FMC Gold. He has published several papers and has been invited to speak at events in Chile, Brazil and Argentina.
Jairo Herrera Arango, IMC Portal

Jairo Herrera is geologist engineer, master in resources utilization, specialist in energetic mining rights and graduated in external mining audit. Manager in IMC Portal Ltda., company dedicated to the investigation of the extractive industry and director of the mining magazine Litósfera. For more than three years he worked as sub director in the Unit of Mining Energetic Planning). In this organization he had under his responsibility the design of the National Plan for the present Mining Development of Colombia and the direction of multiple studies of market, mining competitiveness and related technical studies.One of his more important works as a consulting professional is the conceptual plan of rehabilitation to 2033 of the Cerrejón project and the estimation of the Colombian mining production to 2019 prepared for the Ministry of Mines and Energy.