We merged the March and April editions of our newsletter since two of the most important mining events took place, and we thought it would be beneficial to explore them together.
Also, for the first time we welcome the contribution one of the Sponsors of our Argentina Mining 2010 Convention as guest columnist. In this opportunity, Beretta Godoy wants to share with our readers their view on the mining zoning in Santa Cruz.
We hope you enjoy this newsletter and look forward to hearing any comments.
The Argentina Mining Team |
Attending mega mining events:
How to participate successfully and not die trying.
Participating in events is a costly endeavour and as a result it requires careful planning to maximize your ROI. Some experiences in PDAC and Expomin that help to reach this goal.
PDAC: "Where the mineral industry meets".
When they say that PDAC is where the mineral industry meets it is true. This year the Convention hit yet another record of attendance: 22,000. And this is what makes PDAC so relevant, one of the most important events in the mining industry worldwide...
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Guest Columnist
Santa Cruz: Mining Zoning and Questions About Legal Certainty
By Lucas García, Beretta Godoy
In 1994, the amendment of the Argentine Constitution introduced a significant change in relation to the original domain over natural resources. In effect, Section 124 of the Argentine Constitution granted to the provinces the domain over the resources located in their territories, emphasizing the federal system of government. This translated into reality some of the objectives that motivated the amendment and put a final end to many years of discussions over this issue between the federal government and the provincial governments…
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