Mining takes a stance on Glacier Law
As it is public knowledge, the nº 1 judge with jurisdiction on federal matters of the province of San Juan, Miguel Ángel Gálvez, partially suspended the glacier law recently passed by Congress and promulgated by the Executive last October 28th.
The resolution is based on filing a complaint to declare the Glacier Act N° 26.639 unconstitutional filed by the Mining Chamber of San Juan; the Chamber of Mining Services; CASEMI; AOMA; and San Juan Regional CGT... |
Invited columnist
Glaciers: Recent Ruling of San Juan’s Federal Justice
By Carlos Saravia Frías
On November 2nd, 2010, the judge with jurisdiction on federal matters of the province of San Juan ruled the suspension of sections 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 15 (the “Ruling”) of the “National Glacier Act” N° 26.639 (the “Glacier Law”) in the territory of the province of San Juan... |
A milestone for Coro Mining’s San Jorge Project: its Public Hearing ended successfully
Over 2,300 individuals, according to estimates of the Mendoza Police Department, attended the public hearing held in the town of Uspallata where a non-binding debate over the San Jorge mining project took place. Once the authorization is granted, copper mining will begin at San Jorge hill.... Read more >> |
GEMERA launched its new website
GEMERA launched its new website characterized by a sober design and ease of navigation. The Business Group of Exploring Mining Companies of the Argentine Republic (GEMERA) is an association of companies founded in 1993 committed since its foundation to the defense of the interests of productive and exploring mining activity....Read more >> |
Indoor Golf & Wine Tasting at Latin Exploration 2010 for members.
During Latin Exploration 2010 convention, held at Panamericano Hotel in Buenos Aires, members of Argentina Mining Membership enjoyed a relaxed atmosphere at The Green Club, Indoor Golf Center, at the hotel...Read more >> |
Latin Exploration 2010 ended with a debate on Glacier Law.
Latin Exploration 2010, the second International Conference on Exploration in Latin America, held on October 28th and 29th at Panamericano Hotelin Buenos Aires, Argentina, ended successfully thanks to the quality of the lectures, the level of the speakers, and the topics of the debate...Read more >> |
Agustín Álvarez 1348 Barrio Arizu, Godoy Cruz M5501BFB, Mendoza, Argentina.
Tel / Fax: +54 (261) 4243479 - info@argentinamining.com |
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