6 Sep, 2018, 18:30 - 18:50

Jan Boon, Sole Owner, Facilitech International

Curriculum Vitae
Jan Boon has a Ph. D. in geochemistry. He retired in 2007 after a career that included teaching physical chemistry and research on tropical soils, oil sands research, and was Head of the Alberta Geological Survey and a Director General in the Geological Survey of Canada. Since then he obtained an M.A. in globalization and international development and a Ph. D. in sociology, with his studies focusing on social responsibility in mineral exploration and mining. Most of the industry projects he studied are located in Latin America. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the Centre for Excellence in CSR (Canada), has been a member of the CSR Committee and is a member of the International Affairs Committee of the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada. He currently is a member of the Environment and Social Responsibility Society of the Canadian Institute of Mining and of the Instituto de Ingenieros de Minas del Perú.


The course is directed to all actors in mineral exploration and it puts emphasis on relationships and interactions both between companies and communities and within companies. The related sociological processes play a role in all mineral exploration projects. They are the basis for the social strategy and the work climate within the company, and therefore influence the success of the project. Case studies will show how to apply the model and how to use various simple tools that support management of the project and of the course of social events. At the end of the course, participants will have knowledge of the sociological processes and how to apply it to their own cases. They will be able to use various tools such as dialogue, analysis of relationships, and preparation of relationship matrices. They will know how to apply these tools in conjunction with the concepts “meaning” and “reference communities” to the analysis of situations and the design of appropriate actions.