8 Sep, 2016, 15:00 - 15:25

Iain Scarr, VP Exploracion y Desarrollo, Millennial Lithium

Curriculum Vitae
Iain Scarr es Vice Presidente de desarrollo y exploración de Millennial Lithium Corp. Tiene 36 años de experiencia en exploración y desarrollo industrial de minerales y recursos químicos. Tras 29 años en Rio Tinto realizó múltiples descubrimientos y trabajó en numerosos proyectos incluyendo el Proyecto de Litio Jadar. Luego de dejar Rio Tinto el Sr. Scarr ha trabajado en múltiples proyectos de litio y reside en Salta desde 2010.


The current lithium “boom” (referred to locally as the "Guerra de Litio") has been brought about by tightness in lithium capacity and supply, resulting in sharply increased pricing. While some players are promoting plans for big developments and large volumes, what the market needs is much simpler: a steadily increasing supply of lithium compounds, tailored to the users’ needs, when they need it. The ideal solution is to regularly bring on scaled amounts of new supply, either by expanding existing production or bringing on new projects. Our challenge is to meet that incrementally growing need quickly, sensibly and at low cost.

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